Thinking of Joining then Please read the induction section by clicking on the inductions link on the right.
Tuesday Club Nights
The Senior Section is open to members from 16 years old and above. We meet every Tuesday night at Werrington Sports centre. Meet at 19:00 in the drama studio for warm up and announcements, followed by group training runs of between 2 and 10 miles.
There are normally several groups of runners doing various distances and speeds every tuesday. During the winter months these tend to be around the lit streets of Peterborough and in the lighter months we mostly run out into the countryside around Etton, Glinton and other local villages.
Changing, shower and locker facilities are available at the sports centre, free of charge to club members.
After the regular Tuesday run we can often be found at the gathering in the Plough Public House at the Werrington Sports Centre car park for post run refreshment and chat.
Every week there are volunteer members who are available to take out new runners and introduce them into the club, match them up with like minded runners with the same speed and distance plans for the evening and make sure they are looked after for their first few weeks.
Thursday Speed Sessions
A regular speed training session is held every Thursday night from 18:30 at Werrington Sports centre. The speed training is supervised by one of our coaches and is carried out on the sports centre field or local footpaths.
Sunday Runs
Long off road runs or races; see the diary for details. Some runs have a shorter/slower option. Don't be put off, just ask.
London Marathon
As a club affiliated to England Athletics we are allocated a place or places for the London Marathon each year. This is distributed by ballot according to the following criteria
Those entering the draw must
Have been unsuccessful in the public ballot
Paid two years subscription to Werrington Joggers
Be affiliated as an individual to England Athletics
No have received a club or marshalls place in any prior club ballot (but would be eligible for any potential second draw of the club ballot)