Thinking of Joining then Please read the induction section by clicking on the inductions link on the right.

As the number of Juniors attending Werrington Joggers Junior sessions has increased in recent years and in an effort to avoid having to cap the number of Juniors the club is able to accept, Werrington Joggers has invested in training a number of additional coaches.
However in addition to having more coaches the club feels that it is now necessary to introduce a code of practice which we hope Juniors and parents will sign up to.
This code should ensure the ongoing safety of all Juniors attending the club and support the coaches who are all volunteers, and give up their time to train the Juniors and assist them with their athletic developments. All coaches are DBS checked and hold UKA relevant qualifications.
Junior Club Code
1. It is essential that all Juniors attending a club session are wearing suitable clothing and footwear. This includes hi-visibility bibs during winter months and excludes jeans or similar trousers at any time. Running shoes or similar are also a prerequisite to avoid your children suffering serious foot injuries
2. Children should arrive by 5.55 pm on Tuesday evenings and parents or responsible adults are asked to collect their children from inside the centre (but not inside the sports hall we use) by 6.55 pm. This enables the coaches to join the senior session in good time.
3. Children are not allowed to wait at the top of the car park for collection under any circumstances unless Werrington Joggers are advised in writing. We will not accept the word of a child. This is for your own child's personal safety; we do not accept the view "it couldn't happen here".
4. Parents are asked not to remain in the sports hall after delivering their child as this delays the session from starting and is causing increasing congestion in the room. If parents wish to see a coach then someone will be stood outside the hall to answer any questions/concerns.
5. If children misbehave parents will be informed and asked to deal with the matter away from the club. If the child's behaviour continues to be unacceptable at a further session parents will be asked to remain behind and assist the coaches to ensure that their child behaves correctly. If the child's behaviour still does not improve they may be excluded from the club either as a temporary measure or permanently. This decision rests solely with the coach on duty. This measure has been introduced to ensure the safety of all children attending.
6. Emails are sent home on a regularly during the year. Parents should read these as they provide important information about many Junior matters and forthcoming events. Please speak to a Junior coach to confirm your email address if you haven't received them.
7. Depending on ability (not age), children will be placed in particular groups (blue, purple or green) for coaching. This is simply to enable coaches to match their training sessions to the ability of the children and to encourage Junior members to develop and improve.
It is Werrington Joggers ethos to encourage all juniors to take part and enjoy running, but we understand that it is not for everyone. If a child does not wish to attend then we quite understand and there are no hard feelings. It is not school, they should attend out of choice, as the coaches do and enjoy the sessions and events.