Thinking of Joining then Please read the induction section by clicking on the inductions link on the right.
Membership details
£15 for Full Membership
£5 for Social Membership.
Social Membership is for those who perhaps no longer run with the club, or who wish to be connected with the club but have never wanted to actually run. Social Members cannot compete as Werrington Joggers and cannot vote at AGM/EGM meetings, but may attend as observers.
Membership runs from 1st April to 31st March .
All full members can attend the Annual General Meeting and vote on the various matters concerning the running of the club including proposing and appointment of the committee members who run the club on a day-to-day basis.
Gift Aid
HMRC has agreed to pay the club Gift Aid. This was worth over £1100 this year, but many people have yet to make this declaration. It costs nothing, so please do this to help keep the subs low.
If you (or the person paying) are a tax payer then please complete the Gift Aid section. WJ can reclaim the basic rate tax you paid. For Juniors the parent/guardian can Gift Aid membership (please give taxpayer's name, house nr & post code).
If you are a higher rate taxpayer you can reclaim the additional 20%, or even 30%, of tax you have paid. Why not contribute that to WJ too?
Application or Renewal
Werrington Joggers operate on online membership and payment system. To apply for membership or renew you existing membership, please click on the following link and follow the instructions.
If you would prefer to use traditional paper, please download and fill in the forms shown elsewhere on this page. If you are updating the Membership System but paying off-line, or not completing your renewal on-line, please either pay via cheque or bank transfer;
If paying by cheque please make it payable to 'Werrington Joggers', and hand to any committee member, or by post to:
Werrington Joggers,
c/o 337 Eastfield Road,
Peterborough PE1 4RA
Bank Transfer
If paying by bank transfer please use the following details
Account: 77704484.
Sort Code: 09-07-24
Reference : Your name, surname first.
Then please also send an e-mail to wjtreasurer@werringtonjoggers.co.uk with the following information:
Membership Number (if current member)
Telephone Number
If you have not updated the on-line system, please indicate if you wish to Gift Aid payment (if person paying is a taxpayer)
Taxpayer's Name, House Nr & Post Code (If payer is not the member).
England Athletics
England Athletics affiliation is seperate from membership of Werrington Joggers. If you wish to pay your England Athletics affiliation (due 1st April), then this must be done separately by sending a cheque for £15 payable to England Athletics together with the England Athletics Membership form.
Details about the benefits of England Athletics membership can be found here: